
Chapter 263 Bruce And Julie

I could clearly sense that the speed and momentum that Emma was gathering was slowly approaching the limit of both her and Margaret\'s armor resistance.

With Emma\'s strength steadily but irrevocably rising, that small increase would be like the proverbial final straw that would break the camel\'s back.

In that particular case, the camel\'s back would be Margaret\'s and Emma\'s lives.

"I need to stop her!" I thought determinedly as I narrowed my eyes and quickly came up with an action plan that was very simple and very direct.

I leapt ahead and prepared to manifest my power to create the most agile speedster mecha I could manage so that I could snatch Emma out of the sky before she collided with Margaret.

However, at that moment, a gentle voice thundered from far in the distance.

"Enough, Emma."

"Hmmm?" I pricked up my ears in slight surprise.

That voice had a very similar timbre with Emma\'s, and I could easily tell that she was a Whitefrost as well.

In addition, her voice was filled with incredible valiance and authority that was absolutely undeniable and final.

In my mind if there was a Queen of the world, she would sound exactly like that.

Regal. Valiant. And powerful.

"Aunt Eleanor?! She\'s back??" James cried out in shock.

"Aunt Eleanor? You mean, that\'s Emma\'s mom?" My jaw dropped in surprise.

"Yes. And if she\'s back, then Uncle Phil…" Margaret\'s voice was filled with hope and anticipation.


Instead of slowing down, Emma\'s mecha suddenly exploded with additional speed as she turned towards the source of the voice and sped off that way!

As you know, Phil Whitefrost, Emma\'s father, had gone missing months before, and Emma\'s mother had fallen off the grid to look for him.

For her to be back at that moment, it could only mean one thing. Phil Whitefrost was found. Eleanor Whitefrost would never have returned until she found him, even if she had to spend the rest of her life searching for him.

The only question was… Was he alive, or dead?

Emma was starving for news of her father, and I could imagine the fearsome emotions that must be exploding out of her heart at that moment.

Within a couple of seconds, she was just a blip in the distance. And after another second, she was gone.

Just like that, the day\'s event reached its supremely anti-climactic end!

And the victors of the day\'s event were…

"ALL HAIL THE FIRST GRADERS!!!!" Roared a hyper excited boyish voice from somewhere in the crowd.


The survivors of the massive battle roared out their victorious cries!!!!!!!

"All hail Sheera Lin!!! Goddess of War!!!"

"Goddess of War!!"

"Goddess of War!!"


We all fought a very good fight. But it was more than clear in our minds that the credit of our victory was mostly due Sheera Lin.

She was the singular reason we won! If it was anybody else but her, we would have lost.

It was so abundantly clear and undeniable that we all did not stop chanting "Goddess of War" for the next half hour as we grabbed hold of her and did a victory march around the massive kill zone that took the lives of almost thirty thousand mechas!

It was a glorious, glorious half hour for us.

We felt like the kings and queens of the world!

Our celebration would have gone on for at least another hour or so if we were allowed to go on that day.

But alas, it was not to be.

The event and all of its exciting twists and turns might be over, but the day was still young. More surprises were actually awaiting us.




Three very loud and very distinct sounds of advanced flight systems suddenly rang out from the sky.

Our loud and ceaseless cheers were suddenly stopped short as we all looked up to the sky in unison.

As expected, it was three mechas.

But by god, they were beautiful mechas.

I could tell that all three of them were essentially the same base mecha with similar red Chinese Federation Armed Forces colour and markings on their body.

But they were geared very, very differently.

The left mecha was a light mecha, and it was holding what could only be described as a stupidly cool alien-style rifle.

The rifle was fully black, and was full of spikes like a strangely long and rifle shaped sea urchin. It was definitely not designed to be part of the mecha\'s standard issue rifle. In fact, I highly doubted that it was designed by human beings at all.

Still, it was undoubtedly a rifle, and that made the light mecha a Sniper.

The right mecha was a medium mecha, and it was designed to be a defensive medium mecha. A defensive medium mecha was a rather strange creature, as it would probably be better off as a heavy mecha if it wanted excellent defenses. But because it also wanted agility and speed, it had to sacrifice the final bit of excellence in defense in order to gain its desired speed and agility.

But still, looking at the medium mecha\'s massively thick armor and shield, I highly doubt that any standard heavy mecha was its match in defense. The only thing that made it still fall under medium mecha category was definitely its incredibly powerful flight module.

It was able to move as quickly and be as agile as movement focused medium mechas thanks to its powerful flight module that looked like it was centuries ahead of normal mechas.

And finally, the center mecha was a heavy mecha. If the right mecha could be described as a defense oriented medium mecha, then the center mecha could only be described as a walking fortress.

It was ridiculously boxy and it looked absolutely impenetrable! The defensive module which it was using looked as stupid as the first mecha\'s sea urchin rifle, and made it look like the Tin dude in the Wizard of Ozz.

However, its flight module was the largest, and it produced the most earth shaking sound from its thrusters.

I did not need to ask to know for sure that even if its as heavy as a mobile fortress, it would still be the fastest and most agile of the three.

And the sight of these three incredible mechas, especially adding to the fact that they were all Peak White Mechas, made me think of five simple words.

"Who the HELL are they?" I shouted into my comms and asked my five team mates curiously.

And for once, their answer was a simple "How the hell am I supposed to know?"

"Sheera Lin. Justine Whitefrost. Margaret Whitefrost. Victor Long. Step forward. You are now members of the Military High Command. Come here, we will be taking you to HQ right away." A gentle and pretty voice sounded from the left mecha.

However, none us made a move.

"Come on. I don\'t have all day!" Snapped the pretty voice.

"You don\'t have all day? So why don\'t you leave and do your recruitment in the provided window of agreement, instead of breaking the agreement and coming here to disrupt our lessons?" Bruce Pang\'s Chronos suddenly appeared in the middle of the practice field!

"Bruce Freaking Pang. Hello. Good to see you again. How are you? I am fine. You look fine too. Okay now that the small talk is over. Get the hell out of our way." The pretty voice snapped at my big bro once more.

"No thank you. This is the National Mecha Pilot Academy. I am the Principal here, and every bit of airspace here is under my jurisdiction. If you do not stand down and cease your lawless recruiting drive, I am afraid that I would have to ask you to leave." Bruce Pang said calmly, but with a tinge of irritation already showing in his voice.

Chronos was standing at eye level with them after going at full speed from wherever Bruce was hiding it!

"Jurisdiction?" The pretty voice sneered. "There is no jurisdiction higher than the one I received after I joined Military High Command. You either give the four kids to us, or you prepare for a damn fight! Officially, I am advising you to give up the kids. But personally… I\'ve always wanted to see if the Mecha God is as good as they say!"

"Mecha God? I am not a Mecha God. And no I will not fight you. You are not my match at all." Bruce Pang merely chuckled in response.

He sheathed his twin rapiers and drew his massive, mecha sized greatsword and started to swing it gently.

Like the pretty voice, Bruce Pang was actually required by law to defuse the situation. But also like the pretty voice, he wanted to fight her very, very much.

So he merely pointed the massive mecha with his greatsword and beckoned her to come towards him with his other hand.

"Julie. Go ahead and teach this punk a lesson." Came a lazy voice from the lead mecha.

"Julie? Hmph. She is ten thousand years too early if she wants to challenge Bruce! Fight me first!" Came Jeanette Wen\'s voice.

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