
Chapter 138: We’re going to let Su Lan “die” for the last time

Chapter 138: We’re going to let Su Lan “die” for the last time


Editor- Koneko, Proofreader-Star

“No, what this bracelet carries is not the Golden Silkworm Gu.”

Bei Quan smiled and shook his head.

“However, its operating principle is somewhat similar to the Golden Silkworm Gu.”

Wei Fuyuan was even more confused.

“Then, what exactly is it?”

“Strictly speaking, the biggest similarity between this and the Golden Silkworm Gu, is that when worn on the body, it can enhance the owner’s fortune in a certain field, even achieving a degree of success.”

Bei Quan explained.

“It’s like Aladdin’s Magic Lamp, Wishing Box, Demon’s Ape Claw, etc. There are several movies and tales like these released every year, right?”

Wei Fuyuan frowned.

“But, aren’t these just mythical tales, all make believe?”

He glanced skeptically at the gold bracelet which was sitting inside the jewelry box, “How can there be such a good thing, getting what you want without paying anything!?”

“There is no such thing as a free lunch,” as the saying goes, but there are always countless people who think that they are the exception to the rule, and that the pie that falls from the sky just happens to fall on them.

“You’re right.”

Bei Quan smiled while he gently touched Wei Fuyuan’s face with his now gloved-free hand and fixed the slipped bangs behind his ears.

He felt that his little boyfriend was too cute. Although his personality is a little reckless and naive, sometimes he is very transparent, and he can often see the crux of the problem clearly.

“There are many kinds of energy attached to these wishing objects, such as witchcraft, magic, ghosts, and even some strong obsessions. But, as you said yourself, having such good luck or wishes granted are often not unconditional.”

Bei Quan’s finger pointed in the direction of the golden bracelet.

“Just like the Golden Silkworm Gu needs to be fed with the flesh and blood of its owner, I don’t know exactly what this golden bracelet can do for its ‘master’. All I know is that obviously, the ‘will’ attached to the bracelet feels that the price it should charge is Su Lan’s life.”

“This ……”

Wei Fuyuan drew a breath of cold air.

“Isn’t it…Didn’t Su Lan just wear it at the wedding? Is it worth her life?”

“Well, things aren’t clear yet.”

Bei Quan continued his thoughts, “Since the girl who lent Su Lan the bracelet was nowhere to be found after the wedding day …… I guess she must know what it’s all about …… at the very least, knowing part.”

Wei Fuyuan nodded repeatedly:

“So, have you found the person named Zhang Yiping?”

“Found her.”

Bei Quan nodded:

“We’ll see her later.”

He said as he put the gloves on again and he gently lifted the jewelry box from the table.

“Before that, let’s get Su Lan’s problem out of the way.”


“Cough, cough, can you see it?”

Wei Fuyuan held his phone up and waved his hand towards the screen.

“I can hear you, loud and clear!”

On the phone call, Jiang Nan’an’s large face zoomed in, almost filling the screen as he spoke with anxiety, “What should we do next?”

He asked as he stepped back a little, so that Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan could see the situation behind him.

“Xiaolan has been in the water for most of the day, she can’t stay like this, right?”

Through the camera, Bei Quan and Wei Fuyuan saw a very messy bathroom.

Su Lan was draped in a wet bath towel sitting in a pool of bizarrely colored liquid. She wore a disheveled expression on her face and her lips looked very pale, looking as miserable as possible.Su Lan’s elder sister and brother-in-law are standing by the side of the bathtub, rambling about the current situation.

Although it was midsummer, when the room temperature was close to 32 degrees, and the air conditioning unit was not turned on, it could make people sweat from the heat.

Yet, if a person was immersed in water for a long time, the body temperature would gradually drop until freezing point. In the worst-case scenario, they may potentially go into hypothermic shock.

So, poor Jiang Nan’an could only constantly boil some hot water, and pour it in the bathtub, so that the water temperature stays as high as possible– maintaining around thirty-seven degrees.

Constantly adding water would dilute the materials used. Jiang Nan’an was worried that this would reduce the hidden effect, and if the “Will” on the gold bracelet was found, he alone couldn’t? handle what may arise.

They had no choice but to ask Su Lan’s eldest sister for help in the end.

When the eldest sister arrived in a hurry with her husband, she saw her sister in a bathing suit, soaking in a pool of blood, urine and filth. Her eyes went dark and she almost fainted from shock. Seeing a mysterious person of unknown origin standing inside of her sister’s bathroom was the final straw, she was about to fetch a broom to attack.

Under the compulsion, Comrade Xiao Jiang made extraordinary use of his silver tongue, blabbing a mixture of truth and false, and made up a convincing story that they had found a solution after being instructed by an expert.

Sister Su originally did not believe this tale, but only after Jiang Nan’an said that lynx was the guardian angel of their Su family, did elder sister Su calm her anger.

“You mean, a …… lynx?”

Jiang Nan’an nodded his head.

Big Sister Su stared at Jiang Nan’an with a complex look on her face, her head filled with mixed emotions.? Her eyes looked him up and down several times, pondering carefully.

“You guys …… really saw a lynx?”

Jiang Nan’an wanted to say that he only saw a black shadow, and that the real body of the lynx was only seen by Wei Fuyuan.

But, these minor details are not important. What is necessary at this time, is to make the Su family believe him first, “Yes, it is a lynx!”

Comrade Xiao Jiang blurted out quickly.

“I heard that your Su family once saved it twice, that’s why it became your family’s guardian protector!”

Su’s family elder sister took a long breath of relief, finally putting down the broom in her hand as she believed Jiang Nan’an’s words.

She remembered that when she was very young, she had heard her grandmother talk about the connection between the Su family and the lynx, only taking it as a story and not taking it to heart.

She was also surprised as she didn’t think that her sister would have told Jiang Nan’an about this matter at all.

The grandmother who told her these stories passed away long before the birth of her youngest sister, and their parents were busy with business all day long. They did not care much about a few small children, and even little about their studies, let alone chat with children about these trivial family affairs.

The elder sister of the Su family finally called out to her husband, and the two began to help boil the water and prepare more materials. They added all kinds of messy things while mixing the hot water, also having to dilute cold water into the toilet. They kept very busy, so that Su Lan could stay in the dirty bathtub longer.

With this system in place, they lasted for half a day, finally receiving Bei Quan’s remote video support.

“In order to make the ‘will’ on the bracelet think that his goal has been achieved, we should let Su Lan ‘die’ for the last time.”

Bei Quan came up to the camera and gestured towards Jiang Nan’an, who was far away in the Yue Ling Mountain, with the gesture of “cutting it all off”.

“Now, I need you to do as I teach you.”

Jiang Nan’an looked back at Su Lan in the bath and answered with uncertainty:

“But… Bei Quan, you know… I learned external kung fu, and I can only recite scriptures…”

He hesitantly asked.

“Are you sure that I can do it?”

Bei Quan replied extremely sharply, “I’m sure.”

He smiled and said, “Have you ever heard of ‘Da Sheng Ji’? What I want you to do is similar to this.”

Although Jiang Nan’an grew up in the Shaolin Temple, he has been studying well. Theoretically, he is not a real Buddhist. He has little “foreign affairs” experience, and he always followed his master, thus having very limited knowledge of nature, such as “Da Sheng Ji”.

But, although not seen with his own eyes, Jiang Nan’an at least heard of it, “You mean, to make a fake grave, kind of like ”Da Sheng Ji?”

The so-called “Da Sheng Ji”, is the means of some Feng Shui masters in the Jianghu.

If someone asks a master to tell their fortune and learns in advance that they may encounter a life-threatening bloody disaster in a certain year, they will find a Feng Shui master who can perform “Da Sheng Ji” to resolve the issue.

After receiving the entrustment, the Feng Shui master will find the Xunlong acupuncture point, a Feng Shui site that matches the person’s destiny and excavate a Yin cave, then find a suitable time to place a subject’s cloth mound.

This process includes such as sealing the coffin and burying it, erecting a monument and piling up the earth, burning paper for worship, offering sacrifices, and even chanting sutras while crying. Rituals for the return of the soul on the seventh day of the first month should also be completed.

In this way, the netherworld would’ve thought that the person concerned has indeed been buried in the ground, and thus, would not be able to get? entangled anymore, allowing them to escape a disaster.

The method sounds simple, but in fact, there are many tricks that only Feng Shui masters know. If the catastrophe of the party is too urgent or too difficult to resolve, it is even necessary to knock out a few teeth of the other party or cut off a part of the body. Only by burying the little finger together in the tomb, can one achieve the effect of deceiving the heavens and the sea, deceiving ghosts and gods.

It was precisely because of the harsh conditions and the fact that it is not easy to find a Feng Shui master with this level, that the partial method of “Da Sheng Ji” is still only exclusive to a few selective people. Most people have never heard of the word, let alone try it in person.


Bei Quan said on the phone screen.

“Let’s make a double for Su Lan, and then let that ‘double’ be killed by the ‘will’ on the gold bracelet, so it won’t haunt her anymore.”

Jiang Nan’an’s video call was on loudspeaker, and Bei Quan didn’t deliberately lower his voice, so that Su Lan and her elder brother-in-law could hear it all.

The tone of Bei Quan’s voice was very relaxed, as if the task he was about to hand over to Jiang Nan’an was as simple as cooking a boiled egg.

“Master, master!”

The eldest sister of the Su family couldn’t hold herself back any longer, she leaned directly in front of the camera and urged repeatedly.

“Please, please help. Quickly help Su Lan to do it!”

“Sister Su, please don’t worry, we’ll do it right now.”

Bei Quan smiled faintly at the other end of the screen, his handsome face and gentle voice had a reassuring charm that effectively calmed the anxious and frightened Su’s elder sister, “Give us twenty minutes.”

In the next twenty minutes, Jiang Nan’an was sweating profusely, by Bei Quan working him almost to his knees.

Bei Quan first asked him to use locust branches to be tied into a small person, then use yellow paper with vermilion, write a copy of Su Lan’s birth date, then cut open the chest of the wooden man, fold the paper strips into triangles, stuff it inside the body, and finally use red thread to sew up the openings thinly and densely.

“Well, the next step is the final step.”

Bei Quan on the screen smiled slightly, speaking softly.

“This last step, we still need Miss Su Lan to cooperate.”

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