
Chapter 68 Rest

Sitting in the back of the giant SUV, Achara and Xavier sat in silence, and Xavier was fighting the urge to sleep.

Instead, he was deep in thought, estimating just how wealthy and powerful the one-eyed demon was.


Despite being deranged, the one-eyed demon\'s intelligence and combat capabilities couldn\'t be underestimated, and his apparent wealth was a testament to that.

Just the fight club alone must make at least hundreds of thousands each night from all the entrance fees that the viewers were charged and all the money they gathered from the gambling aspect.

The alcohol and drugs were likely to also be supplied by them, and the private viewing rooms could have all sorts of influential, powerful and wealthy figures that Xavier could only imagine.

So the fight club could even make millions each night in profits.

To add to that, the one-eyed demon was the head of a drug ring that would distribute through most highschools and neighbourhoods, and since no taxes were involved, it was most likely laundered through a number of legitimate businesses.

Setting his net worth in the hundreds of millions, and he likely couldn\'t care less about money at that point.

And considering the fact that there were two other executives, who, although were beneath the one-eyed demon, were still not to be underestimated, the Wolf Gang\'s total worth could be in the billions.

With thousands working for them, it was no wonder that the NYPD and the government as a whole couldn\'t do much to them, and it was likely that they had connections everywhere.

It was incredible to think about, and the deeper Xavier thought about it, the more he realised that he needed people.

Money could always be earned and opportunities for such things would always come, but high-value individuals were the key to expanding and forming a powerful gang.

And so far, he had done well at that and Sam would be a good addition, if he accepted of course.

All that was left was to keep growing and working hard until his outlandish goals finally became more feasible, and one day they would finally be able to take on the Wolf Gang.


Holding his envelope of cash, Xavier was struggling not to smile, and it was probably merely chump change for the likes of the one-eyed demon, but for him, it was a large sum.

He wasn\'t sure exactly how much he had been paid, but he was sure it was at least a few thousand dollars, and that was more than enough to solve the urgent financial problems that he had.

And instructing the driver to drop them off a few blocks away from the dojo, Xavier and Achara got out of the car with the SUV driving off seconds after.

Despite that, Achara was still on edge and constantly kept looking around her to make sure that they weren\'t being tailed or watched.

Meanwhile, Xavier was very relaxed and nonchalant, which confused her.

"How can you be so calm?"

"They aren\'t following us," he answered simply.

"And how can you be so sure?"

He shrugged and responded, "Just trust me."

That was all he could say to reassure her, since he couldn\'t explain to her that he had something known as \'Gangster Instincts\' that was granted to him by a voice in his head that was known as the \'Gangster System\'.

But it seemed to work.

If it was anyone else, she definitely wouldn\'t have been able to drop all of her worries so easily, but because it was Xavier, she felt incline to believe him and relax slightly.

But she was still quite anxious, and dragged Xavier to try to get to the dojo more quickly, as she quickly opened it up and locked everything after entering with Xavier.

And instantly, upon entering, Xavier slumped onto the ground and fell asleep.

He could barely stand and she had helped him walk to the dojo from where they had been dropped off, but she never expected him to be able to doze off so suddenly.

She was going to offer him her sofa to sleep on, but decided just to let him sleep and knew that trying to move him would just cause him pain.

And watching him sleep so peacefully, with his right hand tightly gripping his envelope of money, it was hard to believe that he was the same man that beat three capable fighters in a single night.

Pulling down his mask and pulling down his hood, she went and grabbed him a pillow, blanket, and a set of clothes that she thought might fit him.

Gently slipping the pillow under his head and covering him with the blanket, she left the change of clothes beside him for him to wear once he woke up.

That was all she could do, and she had also trained the entire day as well as fighting in a tough match, so staggering to her bed, she quickly dozed off.


12 hours later, Xavier was still snoring and Achara had just woken up, feeling refreshed after sleeping for so long.

Her body was sore all over and she had too many bruises to count, but mentally she felt better than ever and was ready to go as she got into the shower and cleaned up before starting to make breakfast.

After she had, she went over to Xavier and as soon as she neared him, he jumped up and was alert.

She tried her best to be quiet, not wanting to startle him, and was planning on waking him up gently, and yet she couldn\'t even get close before he sprung up.

And seeing who it was that had approached him while he was sleeping, he calmed down and stumbled backwards, dizzy after getting up so quickly.

He was then struck by an excruciating pain throughout his entire body that caused him to just fall back onto the ground, and his whole body was aching.

She was confused as to how he had even sensed her coming, but worriedly rushed over to him and helped him to stand.

As soon as she touched him, he winced, and it was clear that he was in great pain as he took a few seconds to regain composure.

Acting as though he was fine, she sighed and let him be.

"You always overdo it, Xavier."

But looking at him, he had a smile that spanned from ear to ear and he was overjoyed, and it was the first time she had seen a genuine smile from him, unlike the one he would put on most of the time.

"Why are you so happy?" she asked, worried that maybe he was suffering from some sort of brain damage.

"I\'ve made this much money in a single night. How could I not be happy?"

"It should only be a couple thousand. That\'s nothing for us. I thought you were more ambitious than that."

"Yeah, but if that\'s one night. If I fight every night back to back, I could..."

"Are you crazy?! Fight every night? You would be dead within a week, and wouldn\'t even be able to fight after a few fights."

He sighed and knew she was right, considering the state he was in, but he was happy that he had some money to spend.

"Clean up in my shower and get changed into these clothes, then come and eat breakfast," she said to him.

"Yeah, I definitely need to get rid of these clothes," he commented, seeing that they were covered in blood as he chucked his envelope of cash over to her.

Entering her bathroom like it was his own, Xavier felt very comfortable in Achara\'s home, and showering with cold water, he felt more awake and had a few minutes to collect his thoughts.

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