
Chapter 237 - Show My Men Your Hunting Skills

And just as he had feared, the trail led them to Cassandra\'s domain, and two of his men told him that she had left her palace not long after Lilith\'s execution.

Mykael guessed that she must have continued to spy on his son-in-law and knew that he was now aware of who Kevin was to Elias and that she and Lilith were after the Acrium.

He smiled when he thought that she had preferred to flee rather than face the wrath of Elias when he would show his face, and then he told his best men to be ready for a lightning rescue mission and he quickly returned to his son and Kevin.

The atmosphere was a bit tense in the living room of Alan and Erik\'s pavilion because there was a risk that the chameleon would decide not to follow Dilan and that he would attack him, and Mykael who had only left for 5min to organize everything in his palace, had to remind them that this was why Nolan was there with him and that everything would be fine.

He had never seen this ability in action but he had heard about it, it wasn\'t as strong as the Warrior Spirit skill but apparently those who mastered it fully were almost at the same level as a Warrior Spirit at his Stage 2, which was quite an achievement.

And finally, they didn\'t have long to wait because after only 10 minutes a teleportation portal opened, and Dilan reappeared followed closely by a man who must have been the chameleon and Nolan arrived last.

Again, everything happened extremely fast because the chameleon, who was also a legendary creature, immediately sensed that the aura of a god was among them and he knew right away that he had just been trapped.

And instead of trying to escape, he tried to bite his left wrist but unfortunately Kevin was faster than him and he immobilized him with his Chains of Restraint so that he couldn\'t move any muscles.

The chameleon who was now at their mercy, pinned to the ground by the Chains of Restraint and gagged by them, felt fear overcome him as Mykael leaned toward him.

But Mykael didn\'t care if this chameleon lived or died, his son-in-law would decide what to do with him, all he needed was irrefutable proof that he was working for Cassandra.

He didn\'t doubt the competence of his men but it wouldn\'t be the first time they all let themselves be fooled by her, so while channeling the power of the Chains of Restraint he broke the seal that protected the mark of the god he served and when it appeared on his forehead he stood up and said to everyone : "This is the mark of second god."

He then turned more precisely to Kevin and said : "I leave him to you, do what you want with him."

Then he got up and walked towards his son, he was still a little surprised that the assimilation of his bloodlines had already made him so powerful, after all Axel was still very young and at this rate very soon he wouldn\'t even need his protection to get to the plane of existence reserved for the Gods.

He put his hands on his shoulders and immediately created the shield that would allow him not to die crushed by the pressure that his body would feel in this plane of existence.

He finally reminded him : "Let\'s go, there\'s no time to waste, and don\'t forget you only have 30 minutes to find him not one more."

Mykael opened the transdimensional portal that led to his palace and Axel, after kissing Kevin\'s forehead as a goodbye and nodding to Alan to make him understand that he wouldn\'t come back without his brother, followed his father through this portal and he found himself in a gigantic and magnificent hall where dozens of men were dressed all in black and were visibly waiting for their orders.

They all bowed with great respect and Axel did the same to greet them, he felt the power of these men and they were all very impressive, his father then said to them : "No need to remind you that it is out of the question that my son gets hurt."

His men nodded and Mykael told them : "We only have 30min to find him, so let\'s start where you lost his trail."

Mykael opened another portal that would lead them all to the gates of Cassandra\'s domain and Mykael once there, asked his trackers to show them the way, and he also told Axel to use his Werewolf form so that he would be fast enough to follow them.

Axel immediately obeyed and gave his magic bag to his father, he didn\'t care much about his clothes which ended up in shreds after he turned into a Werewolf for the first time.

And Mykael smiled when he noticed that his Werewolf form was similar to his legendary wolf form except he now had a silver circle around the pupils of his deep blue eyes.

They all left after that, and Axel who was following his father\'s men at high speed, used his senses to try to find that special fragrance that Alan, his father and his brother had in common.

When they were finally stopped by about thirty armed men who all had the mark of Cassandra on their foreheads, Mykael said to his men with a creepy smile on his face : "Well done guys, we must be close to our target, now it\'s your turn son to show my men your hunting skills."

As the thirty or so men charged at them, Mykael walked towards them alone and as he released all the pressure that his aura was capable of exerting, he said, when he saw these men fall to their knees and then collapse one by one on the ground : "You fool, how dare you oppose a god."

He looked at his son with his eyes that had become crimson red and he asked him : "Did you found something ?"

Damn, thought Axel immediately, his father was really terrifying and very cool at the same time, he didn\'t want to disappoint him but for the moment he hadn\'t find this fragrance yet.

So he decided to increase his field of action by using his father\'s bloodline, and he immediately felt a surge of power circulating in his veins and the perception of his senses reached a whole new level.

Axel not only smelled the fragrance left by Kelan, he saw a trace of silver smoke that showed him which direction to take.

He started to chase it without further delay and his father immediately followed him with a satisfied smile on his face, his men were having a hard time following them but they would catch up, he wasn\'t worried.

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