
Chapter 204

A bell rang loudly in the middle of the night signaling the enemy’s attack. Ourals soldiers rushed toward the wall with ladders and shields. “Charge, we have to open the gate!” One of them shouted.

Furberg soldiers retaliated by dropping hot oil and rocks on them, they wanted to conserve their only long-range option, arrows. “Mages take your position, ready, fire!” Yamauba shouted and the mage squad fired [Firebolt]s at the coming enemy troops.

Firebolt was an effective spell as its flames can ignite gambeson, bowstrings, and even pass through the gaps of armor. [Fireball] Yamauba on the other hand aimed to take large numbers with a single spell as she had the MP to spare since Cain taught her how to make MP potions. She has been making them nonstop and now she has a scary stockpile of them.

“Enemy on the wall, area 51!” A soldier shouted the number of the rote the enemy managed to climb. As per Leon’s orders, they gave each gap between the towers a number to make it easier to send troops to a certain location.

Takeshi rushed toward the location at an incredible speed, even though he was running on the narrow battlements and actively evading other soldiers, he was noted to be compared to a horse in speed.

“Move away!” Takeshi screamed as he reached area 51, “Let me handle this!” With how big his Nodashi is, it will be hard to swing with other people around him.

The soldier immediately retreated letting him take charge of the place, this wasn’t the first time they saw him fight and they knew better not to stand in his way.

Ourals soldiers took the chance to get on top of the battlement, seeing Takeshi be the only one standing in their way, they laughed at the idiot decision. One of them noticed Takeshi’s large build and a big sword. He could sense something strange and ominous. It was a feeling he had before when facing a monster.

“That man is bad news, be careful!” He shouted to warn the others, they laughed at him. “Listen recruit, there is no way a single man can beat over twenty armed soldiers. Don’t chicken out just cause he is a bit big!” One of the soldiers yelled at the recruit.

“Done talking? I don’t like attacking people behind their backs unless they never look my way.” Takeshi stomped the ground so hard they flinched.

“Fine, want to die quickly then so be it. At him!” A soldier shouted as he rushed at Takeshi and all the other soldiers behind him.

Seeing them come at him Takeshi smiled, “So slow!” Taking a heavy step ahead and swinging his blade horizontally he to the first soldier’s head off. He then kicked the dead body at them before it could fall to the ground.

The soldier stumbled, wondering what just happened, Takeshi’s swing was faster than they could see. One of them looked around, “Where did he go?” A soldier scream as they couldn’t see Takeshi where he was standing.

SLICE! A powerful slash came from behind and cut five of them in half, Takeshi then took another step and swung his sword again, cutting another three.

Takeshi’s Nodashi was longer than normal swords and could offend a wider range. They were getting sliced before they could even get close enough to attempt hitting him.

When the recruit opened his eyes, everyone else was dead and only Takeshi stood in front of him. “It’s better for you to retreat. It’s good to boast but you lot have no chance against me.” Takeshi said feeling bitter, he hated to name himself strong or boast, even though what he was saying now was a fact.

The recruit managed to stand up, “Sadly, deserting isn’t an option for us!” He said with shaking hands, an image of his home and family flashed in his eyes.

“I will live on!” The young man grabbed his sword and took his stance, determination in his eyes.

“So you will fight me?” Takeshi said looking down the ladder they used to climb. “You friends down there aren’t climbing since they know only death awaits them, why do you risk your life?” Takeshi asked with a sad voice. He understood the concept of fighting for one’s lord but…this whole war was stupid in his eyes.

“We have no choice, we have to do it!” The young man rushed at Takeshi.

“So be it!” Takeshi swung his Nodashi horizontally trying to take the young man’s head and give him a quick death.

At the last moment, the young man ducked down dodging Takeshi’s fast attack. Being surprised, Takeshi smiled.

The young recruit was the first one to manage to get into striking range against Takeshi. He sad stepped into a place his experienced comrades in arms failed to reach. He took a step and tried to slash at Takeshi’s torso.

CRACK! He felt something smash at his side and his body was sent flying inside the town.

“Such a brave soldier…” Takeshi said as he kicked the ladder down.

After a couple of hours, the battle finally came to an end. Ourals failed to break the gate and Furberg managed to survive for the day. Injured soldiers were rushed toward the tents built right behind the walls to heal them. Miko’s job was getting more and more tedious.

Heal, Heal, Heal. Heal… Drink an MP potion…Heal, Heal, Heal. Heal… and repeat. Daraku and Lisa came with some news.

Leon and William were standing there inspecting the damage.

“They seem to have used a dungeon to come here quickly, we found the gate where they first emerged!” Lisa said with a worried face.

“That place stinks of death, I think it’s an undead dungeon.” Daraku said with a pale face.” I couldn’t be…right, there is still some time!” He said.

“We can’t ignore the possibility, he might have guessed the time wrong,” Yamauba said with a worried face.

“Worse come to worse, I will interfere even if it meant having some risk.” Zaleria who was standing at the door said. If that was the dungeon Cain was afraid of, it will be too much to deal with for them. Cain had even said that she can’t take it on her own.

“Let’s just hope Cain will make it in time!” She added.

“You’re a dragon, can’t you do something?” Daraku complained.

“Daraku, remember the prophecy. It won’t be us, it won’t be here nor the soldiers. It will be them to put an end to this whole mess.” Miko reminded him. “She is right, All we could do is buy time for them!” Takeshi said.

The days quickly passed by, each day Ourals attacked and Furberg defended. Morena was getting annoyed by how it was taking so long so she started transforming the falling soldiers into zombies and sending them back into the fight.

Ourals soldiers had no way to act against her will as she was taking their families back home as hostages. With each passing day, the battle got worse and more violent.

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