
Chapter 128 - Evan D. Sherden, Strengthened (3)

Chapter 128 - Evan D. Sherden, Strengthened (3)

Evan D. Sherden, Strengthened (3)

One could only gain access into the Hidden Boss Battle Room after all the eight Floor Master Battle Rooms had been cleared, in addition to filling up seven various traps located on the 10th?floor to the brim with sacrifices.

Every time a trap was triggered and all the other necessary conditions were met, a stone wall that was smeared with dried blood would rise to form a space that would finally reveal the entryway to the Battle Room.

Although the Battle Room was well hidden, tucked away into the Dungeons’ deepest and darkest part, Evan knew exactly where it was located beforehand, which made things a lot easier for the rest of the party as they made their way towards it.

“Do all the Hidden Boss Battle Rooms contain the same features?”

“There also exists a Hidden Boss that shows itself at particular intervals in the day, at those fleeting moments when the God’s powers momentarily weaken while the Devil’s forces take over.”

Evan had thoroughly scoured every inch of the various community sites during his previous lifetime, which meant that he was equipped with extensive knowledge on how to locate the Hidden Boss. These hard-earned hints are to help them on their quest.

All that remained of those glorious days for Evan were those faint memories that he recollected every once in a while. He had never even imagined himself meeting the Hidden Boss until then.

“Alright, everyone, listen up. On the 10th?floor, we came across many Floor Masters. Although we did struggle a little while taking on several of them all at once, I should warn you that the Hidden Boss, even if it doesn’t have the numbers, is remarkably ferocious.”

“So does that mean that there’s only one Hidden Boss?”

“Yes, that’s right. There is just the one. It is similar to a Chimera, which was created by combining the forces and traits of the variety of boss monsters residing on the 10th?floor.”

Originally, Chimera was a monster that was initially introduced in Greek mythology. Its mortal form took the shape of a ram’s body, a snake’s tail, and three heads. In this game, however, any such monster that emerged from the combination of several monsters came to be known as Chimera.

Evan thought to himself that perhaps there existed a similar myth in this world as well. The scriptures were written in a language similar to those practiced on Earth, where he had been in his previous life. Still, he didn’t have the time or intention to compare them with each other and conclude their degree of similarities.

There was one important detail to which they had to pay close attention to. The Hidden Bosses that were located on these floors and the 10th?floor took the form of a Chimera. He felt the need to provide the party members with full disclosure regarding such beasts before they ventured in.

“They have a completely different pattern of behavior than the bosses we’ve been dealing with until now. The question that may arise now will be the reason as to why Boss Monsters were slain for the mere creation of Chimeras. They only served the purpose of materials for attaining the main form of creation. You must be wondering why anyone would even desire to create a Chimera and not a completely new kind of monster.”

“Master, why don’t we take this at a slower pace?”

“I don’t understand why Master Evan seems so agitated about this.”

Based on the information they had gathered from before, most had been highly ambitious to defeat the Chimeras in the very first round and instead had ended up losing the game. Thus, that was how the Chimera came to be regarded as an icon of betrayal for the Yo-Ma Great War series players.

Chimera, a tribe of betrayal, and among them, the Hidden Boss on the 95th floor of the Sherden Dungeon, had been so amazing. Evan had never expected it would use the same pattern even on the 95th floor.

“Even though I don’t know what exactly you’re talking about, Master, I can see that you’re telling us not to rush, for if we did, we’d be doomed for good.? Isn’t that right?”

“Well, that is a very simplified way to put it, but yes. That’s pretty much what I wanted to say.”

The party had become so strong by now that unless about 50 monsters appeared at once, they wouldn’t require the use of a shield. Since Raihan was considered the Master of shielding in the entire group, he hadn’t had a chance to play a major role in any of the battles. But now, he chose to speak up confidently as he addressed his fellow fighters.

Rather than being intimidated by Evan’s warnings about the Chimera, he seemed satisfied at the prospect of finally being able to contribute towards their quest.

“Brother, do let me tell you in detail what you must be careful of inside-“

“I can do it, Master.”

Raihan interrupted him. Just as Evan was about to warn him not to be overconfident, Raihan calmly continued.

“Master Evan, there’s no guarantee that I’ll have access to such inside information on every enemy I’ll come across in the future. There will come a time when you won’t be there right next to me to guide me every step of the way. I will eventually have to figure out how to approach such situations on my own. I’m sure the Chimera is as dangerous as you have warned us, but it will benefit me in the long run if I took this opportunity to navigate how to overcome the unknowns.”

“Well, I completely agree with you, but… Alright, I suppose I must step back and let you do this your way. Just give me your word that you will be as careful as humanly possible, and that you should prioritize your safety. The Hidden Boss wasn’t released to the general public for a good reason. The Hidden Boss on the fifth floor is equal to an elite monster that would appear on the 20th floor.”

“I got it.”

Raihan took the mana stones from Evan, dropped by the Floor Masters, and pushed them all directly into the Hidden Boss Battle Room entrance.

At that moment, the blood-stained stone walls began to emit a blue aura, and a voice echoed through, barely audible.? The Hidden Boss had been summoned successfully!

“I hope I can do this, it might turn out to be extremely advanced for me.”

“That will not happen. You’ve got this, Raihan. Besides, we’re all with you right here. We will come to your aid should you ever need it.”

“Alright, here goes nothing. May God bless me and help me make it out of this alive and in one piece.”

While everyone clustered together, whispering their wishes for him to make it out alive and successful, Raihan cast a Divine Spell on himself and lifted his shield up. This was when his trusty Echo Shield was of such prime importance that it determined his life or death.

“I’m going to go in first. Others can follow my lead once I give you the signal. Sound good?”

With that, Raihan gingerly pushed open the door to the Battle Room. He had barely crossed the threshold when tendrils of fiery smoke lashed out at him. Those who were right behind him felt their faces burn against the intensity of the fire.

Raihan barely flinched, but advanced further into the room. It was a good thing he had taken his shield with him, for he used it to protect himself against the heat.? Because of this, it was glowing orange around the edges.

The flames were gaining momentum and spreading, almost boring a hole right through the metal. When the smoke cleared up, the creature came into view, in all its grotesque entirety. Where its eyes were supposed to be, all that remained were two rotting holes. Against its leathery back skin were a pair of vast bat’s wings that sprouted from either of its shoulders.

It looked like a cross between a rat, a bat, and a rabbit. It was a combination of all of them if they were expanded to about fifty times their original sizes. Out of its gaping mouth, it spewed out dark flames.

“What the hell? We didn’t sign up for this! I don’t recall slaying a fire breathing rat being on our agenda.”

While Belois and Arisha calmly got into their attacking stance, Shine was breathing raggedly from excessive anxiety. When Evan glanced at him, Shine coughed loudly to cover it up and grabbed two daggers.

“If you’re scared, you can still choose to not to take part in the battle, Shine.”

“Afraid? Me? Haha, you will never see those two words in the same sentence ever. I can handle this easy peasy, it’s not nearly as scary as the ghosts!”

“Okay, then Shine will take the lead. He will attack first while Raihan covers him. Although Raihan is capable enough to block it for now, he may not be able to do so for a long time, so we need to avoid a breach in our formation at all times.”

[Kuhaoo! Hooho!]

Before Evan could finish giving out instructions, the Chimera twisted around itself in a highly grotesque manner, mouth closing in on itself. Within a split second, it abruptly spun around and lunged towards Raihan, paws outstretched, sharp-edged talons gleaming in the light. It had apparently decided that its target was Raihan, willing to go to any extent until he was extinguished.


Raihan was equally fast on his feet and blocked the attack expertly by slamming his shield in front of him. It was as though he had been expecting the move; he was prepared for any contingency to arise.

His face didn’t give away any sort of fear or worry he might have been feeling about having to deal with the Chimera’s gigantic physique, or its rapid maneuvers aimed at gauging his eyes out. He appeared so calm and composed that his ensuing battle with the beast seemed like a glorious dance between good and evil. At that moment, Raihan resembled a magnificent Iron Wall knight.

“Do you need assistance? How are you holding up?”

“Can I be honest with you, Master?”

As the Chimera relentlessly scratched the shield with its talons, bringing down endless strikes on the battered piece of metal, Raihan responded in an almost cheeky tone, “I’m actually quite enjoying this. It’s not every day that one gets to take on a Chimera singlehandedly.”


Noticing that its opponent was only defending himself and wasn’t attacking violently, the Chimera made an effort to kick Raihan by unleashing its front legs in a quivering motion towards him. But as it came in contact with the shield, its talons burst, releasing venomous fumes into the air.

Raihan resorted to casting the Divine Magic spell as his shield was no match against the poisonous mist. It cleared up the air in a matter of seconds, thanks to his quick thinking.

“Is that all you got?”

As if the Chimera could comprehend Raihan’s mild provocation was aimed towards it, it let out a loud bellowing noise and scrambled forward ferociously.

Its mouth snapped open and shut as it tried to gnaw on a chunk of his flesh with its decayed and jagged fangs dripping with saliva. When it didn’t seem to be working, it began bringing down its entire weight on the ground.

Every time it made contact with the floor, the entire Battle Room shook and shuddered as if they were in the midst of an earthquake. This was one of the signature moves of the Chimera. It was said to be so strong that warriors could barely stay on their feet for long when it occurred.

“Lua, now is not the time to retreat. Let’s take our positions and move forward. Raihan has the defense line under control, so Shine and Arisha should attack now!”

Belois tried to use her magic on the Chimera, which failed miserably, and she slumped into Evan’s arms, all her energy drained out of her. Evan stepped back with Belois in his arms and grabbed on to his Battle Beads. Shine and Arisha were following the orders given to them and were already proceeding to unleash their attacks.

Raihan refused to budge from his position and threw all his weight onto the shield to drive the Chimera away from him. It seemed to be working like he had intended as the creature slid backward little by little.

Shine and Arisha joined in the struggle.

“I’m not entirely sure if the Bloody Shadow can be activated with just rotten blood, but it’s worth giving it a shot!”



With blood oozing out from both sides of its body, the Chimera shrieked and twisted against the combined forces of Shine and Arisha. What surprised them both was the fact that although they were in easy range for it to have caused considerable harm to them, it seemed only to want to hurt Raihan. The Chimera could have slashed Shine’s throat and struck Arisha’s bosom with ease if it had desired to, but it refused to loosen its grip on Raihan’s shield, claws, and feet still wrapped around it tightly.

Raihan stood his ground as Evan observed the overwhelming duel from afar.

“He is a ruthless warrior who never goes down without a fight. His full capacity had not been utilized when you had been taking on smaller and harmless monsters before. This is what he was meant to do, what he is made for.”

“Now, I understand what you saw in him and why you never gave up on him.”

When Evan had first met Raihan, he had trained him to help grow and hone his skills. Now, looking at him in full action, Evan could not even begin to fathom the true and complete potential of Raihan Drukas.

“Okay, let me-“

“No Master, let us handle this ourselves. Leave it to us!”


“Leave it to me, Shine and Miss Arisha. We can take care of this ourselves.”

Evan, who had his arms stretched out before him and was preparing to scatter the beads that would aid the struggling party by vanquishing a couple of the monsters around them, stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard Raihan yell out to him.

Raihan, along with Shine and Arisha, looked like they really could take on this floor all by themselves. In fact, he had never seen them as alive and motivated as they did now. They had finally found their calling, their purpose in the world of the Dungeons. While Evan watched them, Belois, who was close to him by his right, attempted to use magic that had previously been canceled out by the earthquake, but to no avail.

“It seems to me like they’re having quite the fun.”

“They don’t seem to find the task hard at all, do they? I suppose they have finally been given the opportunity to duel with an enemy that better suits their level.”

“I can’t argue with you on that one Master. They seem quite content, so I think we should just let them be for a while.”

“Can we level up?”

Every time Evan expressed his worries regarding his degree of contribution, Belois couldn’t help but let out a laugh each time. It wasn’t her fault since Evan looked adorable when he was anxious about something, which was a rare sight.

However, he didn’t need to have stressed so much since, in the end, everything turned out to be okay, and they all managed to level up. They had come a long way from where they had started and had evolved immensely.

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