
Chapter 328: A Robber comes in? Don’t worry, the House Owner will get the Police!

Chapter 328: A Robber comes in? Don’t worry, the House Owner will get the Police!

With their eyes wide open, the practitioners in Planet Thrae watched as the space pigeon shrank in size, only to be just as big as the Immortal Continent. That size was still big, as the shadow the space pigeon casted managed to cover the whole God Continent.

Everyone gulped as the pigeon flapped its wings as it headed towards the atmosphere of Planet Thrae.

But then an awkward silence followed them as the space pigeon bounced off the atmosphere.

“Eh? I can’t enter this planet?” The space pigeon tilted its head as it saw that its body was being rejected by the planet.

It was as if the whole universe was assisting the Planet Thrae to not let the space pigeon in.

The Immortals and the Gods in the planet Thrae were both relieved and horrified when they saw the rejection of the planet on the space pigeon.

They were relieved since a strong creature like this space pigeon could not land on the planet Thrae.

On the other hand, they were also terrified as they realized that the space pigeon must be at least at the Sixth Stage to be rejected!

But the horrifying power that the pigeon exuded makes it apparent that it was not just an Immortal or a God. This pigeon could be at least at the Seventh Stage!

There was also another thing that they noticed.

From the aura that this bird released, it was highly likely that this bird was a Godly Divine Beast.

A Godly Divine Beast! They were stuff of legends, and now one was about to enter the planet!

Heavens! There was no such expert like that here in this planet! If not for the planetary restriction, then this space bird could have wiped them all out already!

But their relieved expressions changed drastically when they heard the space pigeon muttering to itself.

“Hmm.... I can sense that this planet is around the Fifth Stage, so it only allows at most those at the Law/Dao Domain Stage! Hmmm.... But I am way stronger than that. I am even a Godly Divine Beast, so how can I enter?”

The space pigeon seems childish as it began to pace restlessly around the planet.

The Undead Horde, that was warring against the Palace of the Gods, also stopped as they watched above the sky with wariness.

Everyone’s breath was bated, as they waited for the space pigeon to leave.

“Koo koo koo! But I want to eat!” The pigeon wailed as it flapped its wings as if it had a tantrum. It then tilted it bird neck as it seemed to have thought of a great idea.

“Aha! If I want to enter this planet, then I should just weaken myself until I reached the Fifth Stage!”

To the surprise of the practitioners, they saw one of the foot of the space pigeon curling as it turned into a menacing claw.

The pigeon then sent its own claw plunging towards its whole body!

“Koo koo koo it hurts!” The pigeon howled in pain as it dug its own claws deep into its torso. Blood dripped down of her self-inflicted wound, which fell into the sea on the Planet Thrae.

“If I just dig out some flesh out of my body, my power will regress to the Fifth Stage! After that, I can enter the planet and eat!”

Even though it was in pain, the pigeon seemed to not care as it ripped of parts of its torso off its body.

These pieces of flesh, muscle and blood spurted out of the pigeon’s body, and they all fell towards the Planet Thrae.

All these fleshy bits became flesh meteorites which now all went spiraling towards the sea, the Mystical Continent, the God Continent and even the Immortal Continent.

The mortals saw all the red-colored flesh bits falling down, and they began to panic as they thought that the apocalypse was coming.

Many of them were wailing, as they prayed for their safety from the happening disaster.

“Hong hong hong!” The sects, clans and the empires in both continents activated their defensive formations as the dense flesh shower fell upon their places.

The formations managed to stave off the impact by the flesh bits, but the stench and meaty feeling were still there, making most of the people near the crashed flesh bits to gag, faint or even vomit from all the disgusting feeling they experienced.

“There is the pigeon!” One of the practitioners pointed, and they saw the pigeon entering the atmosphere of the planet smoothly.

This time, there was no restriction that forced the pigeon off. The pigeon was now allowed to enter the Planet Thrae!

Upon seeing this, instead of feeling scared, the practitioners from both continents felt excitement as they realized that the pigeon was heavily injured right now!

For it to enter the planet, it must be just around the Fifth Stage! And since it was also injured, it might find it harder to fight back!

“Quick! We must get that bird!” The eyes of practitioners from both continents blazed as they decided to give it all to capture this pigeon!

Imagine getting a Godly Divine Beast like this to be a pet for your continent!

For those at the Immortal Continent, obtaining this bird will mean getting a powerful fighter that could replace the Central Divine Emperor as their main lead on the war!

As for those at the God Continent, getting this bird means that they will not need to summon an envoy from the Beast God Planet anymore!

The only reason those at the God Continent decided to summon an envoy was because they had no choice at all. If they wanted it, they will not allow an outsider from another planet to step foot in their continent.

If they managed to enslave the bird, then they can suspend the summoning of the envoy!

“Flap flap.” The pigeon flapped its wings as started to fly around. As for the practitioners, some of the strongest among them started flying towards it.

For the Immortal Continent, it was Ye Wang who was in the lead. After all, he was the Sect Head of the Beast Master Sect, so he was the one with the highest ability to tame it. Joining him were other practitioners who will assist him.

As for the God Continent, they also sent their own delegation which was also now rushing towards the falling pigeon.

At the Mystical Continent, a turtle that resided there who had its eyes shut tight for what seemed an extremely long amount of time, started to shudder as it looked up.

Its whole body was as large as a country, and its movements shifted the land around it.

Immortal Aura spread out from the turtle as it stretched its stiff body.

An ancient, archaic voice sounded out from the turtle as it stared greedily at the pigeon.

“I smelled good food, and it turned out to be a bird? Well, food is food. They are all meant to be eaten by me!” There was a flash of light, and the gigantic turtle was now flying towards the pigeon too.

“Eh so many guests? Hmph, you are not my food, so do not bother me!” The pigeon tilted its head as it felt powerful presences approaching it.

Its massive body suddenly accelerated forward, as it rushed straight towards a certain place.

With its size, it was able to reach its destination in just a matter of seconds.

Its destination was the top of the headquarters of the Palace of the Gods!

That was actually where Illusion Fang Lin and the other divine beasts were!

The pigeon seemed to just look at the top of the tower as it murmured to itself.

“There is my food! I am so hungry now!” The pigeon rushed straight to the palace peak, only to be repelled by the formation barriers around the palace.

“Stupid formations!” The bird continued headbutting the formations, which started to crack under its onslaught!

“Sh*t!” Ramsay cursed as he saw the scary pigeon staring at them greedily.

He gulped, knowing that once the formation breaks, this damned pigeon might eat them.

“Argh! It’s all or nothing now!”

Ramsay realized that if he wanted to survive, he had to summon something that can fight against this pigeon that was a Fifth Stage Power Godly Divine Beast.

And that summon could only be the envoy from the Beast God Planet.

But Ramsay realized that if he used the 7 Divine Beasts as the sacrifice, the ritual might take a little long, and this might allow the pigeon to kill them!

Ramsay must find another more effective sacrifice that should have a better efficacy compared to 7 Divine Beasts to make the ritual quicker.

But something like that was extremely hard to find, especially if you were about to be eaten in just seconds!

But Ramsay did not need to wait long, as he already got an answer.

Because of its injuries, the pigeon was still bleeding profusely. But with its seemingly infinite stamina, the pigeon seemed to be only slightly affected by it.

The pigeon’s blood flowed freely from it, dripping right towards the formation barrier that covered the Palace.

All this blood seeped through the cracks of the formation, allowing them to drip towards the Palace.

Ramsay let out raucous laughter as he saw all this blood dropping towards him.

He waved his hands as he began to collect all this blood into his hands.

Seconds later and he held a massive blood orb about the size of a watermelon. Illusion Fang Lin who saw all this happen shook his head as he realized what Ramsay was planning.

“That bird is a Godly Divine Beast of at least the Seventh Stage. Its blood will surely be concentrated with a dense amount of its essence!”

Since it was a Godly Divine Beast and also around the Seventh Stage, its blood will be a better sacrifice compared to 7 weak Divine Beasts.

Ramsay seemed to know it, as he put down the woman he was about to sacrifice earlier.

As for the blood orb, he plopped it down on the cauldron which was still boiling quickly.

As soon as that blood orb was dropped, the cauldron let out a bright glow, which managed to please Ramsay quickly.

“This is it! After this, I can summon the envoy! Hahaha! Aren’t I great! I, Ramsay, saves the day once more!”

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