
Chapter 376 - He Is Mine, Now And Forever

Su Wan was indeed very annoyed, soulmates? Belonged to each other? Hah? What a joke! If this old man thought that he would deal with her that easily then he was in for a big surprise. She raised her head and looked right in those webbed eyes, jabbed a finger at his chest she calmly smiled but the force with which she was digging her nail in the old master\'s chest wasn\'t calm at all " I said are you done, old man? You have been going on and on about my husband being soul mates with someone else and I have been listening to it for quite some time, so if you are done with your babbling it\'s my turn? Do you want to listen to what I have to say?"

Su Wan\'s rhythm was so off track that the old master couldn\'t help but be stunned. He expected her to be upset or even angry upon finding out that her husband belonged to someone else but what he never expected was for her to stay so calm. Well, he knew that she was angry at what he just told her but she was still rational enough to counter what he just told her?

" Go ahead" and because he was surprised at her reaction, he ended up nodding his head before he could stop himself. Only after nodding his head, did he realise what he had just done but now it was too late for him to take back his words.

" Excellent," said Su Wan before snatching the wet towel from the old master and wiping her blood coveted neck as well. In the beginning, she was trying to act restrained out of respect but right now - after hearing this old man\'s nonsense she was too pissed off to care about anything else "let\'s see, you just said that my husband was supposed to die. Then you said that his soul mate exchange his bane and took it upon herself, further on you claimed that the original Su Wan was his soul mate, right? Did I get it all ?" she asked raising her brows at him.

The old \' I know it all \' master seemed to be stifling a smile but he still managed to say solemnly " you got it all"

Su Wan threw the now blood-stained wet towel on the half-raised wall next to her and leaned back. She really had to hand it to him, considering that she just talked back to him, acted disrespectfully and even threw his wet towel aside on the wall. But instead, he looked amused.? Or maybe he was so bemused that he couldn\'t understand what kind of expression to put first.

Su Wan cricked her neck and sighed. Her entire body felt stiff as she fought the urge to rip that long-ass moustache right off Mr Calm chin and shove it up in his ass and make him the first living being with a decent tail on his behind.

" then let me answer to all the shit you just dropped on my head," said Su Wan, respectful, her ass. No one - No one gets to tell her that her men didn\'t belong to her, when she literally dragged her ass out of hell to finally get the taste of happiness that she has longed for " first of, I don\'t give two flying fucks about the hell you just said, what soul mates? Do you want to tell me that a girl who was so resistant to the idea of marrying him that she knocked her head on the wall and died was supposed to be his soul mate? And if she was indeed his soulmate, then she should be here but she isn\'t - I don\'t believe in soul mates, old man. I believe in fighting for the ones that you love- love is about possession and obsession, I don\'t see how someone so selfish as to not pick up the slack that his family was in deserve to call her, his soul mate. "

Su Wan kicked herself off the tree that she was leaning against and then walked up to the old master while looking up at him with her eyes crinkling as she smiled sweetly at him, she even put her hands behind her back so as not to end up strangling him" secondly, I was the one who picked up everything - not his broken pieces alone, but also the broken pieces of his family\'s, I gave them a new life. A new start, I won\'t claim that I was perfect in what I did but you know what old man, I put them first because I knew what his family meant to him even before myself. I can let myself bleed dry for them, for him, so don\'t give me that bullshit about the original Su Wan being his soul mate.. Who couldn\'t even put Ah Yan first before herself, I don\'t want to believe that she was going to be his number one, and of course, don\'t you dare say that it was all because she and Yan didn\'t get the chance to be together and fall in love, because by your explanation - they were soul mates right? So where was this epiphany when she killed herself to escape the sufferings?? Call me disrespectful go ahead, but you know old man, a woman who only sits back and wait for her man to solve everything for her when the trouble in their paradise is both a problem for them - when a woman only knows when to pick the right and leave the wrong - when she lets her man to pick on the glass shreds while she walks on rose petals that her lover scattered on the path in his wake - then \' soul mate\' is not the correct term for her, it\'s coward and she was a coward and I am not. Which is why Lin Yan belongs to me and even if he doesn\'t, I will snatch him for myself !"

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