
Chapter 76 - Consistent Like A Pocket Watch

Chapter 76 - Consistent Like A Pocket Watch

They say you fall in love three times in your life. The first love is an introduction to love in your youth and it was innocent and silly. It was what she knew love to be at that time when she met James her childhood friend. She had met James when she was five in the playground in her neighbourhood. They played together all the time and it was simple before the corrupt world took James, heart.

The second love was a lesson it was painful and full of heartbreak, it teaches us what love is not. That was James a poet that only knew pretty words full of false hope.?She was a teenager by then with no experience in life or love. James had started to hang out only with the people he found beneficial and she was left behind.

The third love April thought it could only be Dean. He came unexpectantly, a surprise that was undeniable. A love that would tear down her walls she had built around herself. For April he crashed into her life unapologetically, he sold her a romantic promise for the future and like a dreamer sold her a fairy story with no harsh reality.

He was calm like Sunday morning coffee and consistent like a pocket watch always ticking. A love that flowed easily like the sea and worthy like a noble cause, a love honest like a child\'s words.

"April what can I do to ease your mind? I am also flawed I am not a prince or white knight but I will try my best. I will always be by your side through the good and bad." Dean held her in a tight embrace and waited for her response. He held his breath waiting for her response.

April held Dean for a moment and then let go pushing him away slightly but he kept hold of her arms in a tight embrace, "I don\'t want you to be anything other than yourself, I am not looking for some white knight to come in and rescue me. I can do that myself. I also know that the white knight can ride into war but once he is confronted with an actual demon he will lay down his sword and run the other way because he is ill equipped." April sighed and continued trying to separate her past from her future, "I can fight my demons alone so what I really want is a dark knight. The one that is battle worn and covered in scars, his armour dented and soiled. The same dark knight that will get a glimmer in his eye, the same as I do when we face each other demons. Because we realise that no matter how hard, no matter how terrifying the fight ahead is… the reward at the end of all that is something pretty incredible."

Dean broke out into a blinding smile, he realised she didn\'t think he wasn\'t good enough. She was just worried due to her past that he would one day leave her. But he never would, he in fact had the same if not an even darker past than April. So he never feared her demons what would scare him is if she would try and face them alone without him.

Dean kissed her fiercely and held her body close not wanting an inch to separate them, a girl like her is rare in this world and he wanted to value her for all she was.

His kiss stole her breath away and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She wondered if he would always leave her this bliss. It had taken a lot of courage and strength to finally open up and speak to Dean so openly about her opinions but she also felt it may have been too much pressure too soon for him.

Dean broke the kiss and he leaned his forehead against hers.

April calmed her heart and spoke again, "I don\'t expect you to have it all, I do not expect you to be perfect. But I know you know what you want out of life… at least in this particular moment. I mean I am not perfect either I am a work in progress also. I do know what I want and as long as you want me I will be here… with you."

Dean smiled and briefly kissed her lips again, he then left small kisses all over her face and neck as she giggled in response.

Dean leaned back, "So I will be your knight or maybe your dark knight do you like batman? should I get a cape?... I think I would suit a cape, what do you think?"

April giggled and pushed Dean away, "Okay don\'t take me seriously then, ignore what I said." April then exited the car, she wasn\'t mad at his response she knew him enough to realise he was trying to lighten the mood. But her shyness won over after speaking from the heart and it made her want to run.

Dean rushed to follow her out of his car as he locked it and ran after her. Dean put his arm around her waist. He glanced at her she hid behind her hair, he brushed her hair behind her ear and noticed her pink flushed cheeks, and he smiled at her shyness.

They walked together through the hospital and Dean lead her into the lift and straight up to the VIP ward. April felt the gazes from the people around her as she knew Dean\'s appearance was enough to stop people in their tracks but also he was a well-known CEO with influence and power.

Nurse\'s glanced and then scurried to take care of their work and it made April wonder so she asked Dean, "Do you by any chance own this hospital?"

Dean smirked, April was quick and observant, "Not all of it, I have a share along with my friend you are about to meet."

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