
Chapter Ch87.1 - Therapsid

Chapter Ch87.1 - Therapsid

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

There was silence in the jungle.

Followed by a click. Wei Shi didn’t look at Ming Yao at all as he released the safety lock on the tranquilizer gun.

In the 0.5 caliber nozzle, the hypodermic injection needle filled with barbiturates glinted with cold light. As long as the trigger was pressed, the dart with the injection needle would pop out and inject the drug when it hit the target––

The hand holding the gun was long-fingered and stable, and the gun calluses were thick. Every inch, from the arm to the finger bones, was like a well-designed killing weapon.

Ming Yao’s first reaction was to dash behind Wu Jin with a swish!

Over 90% of this Contestant Wei’s popularity came from the CP speculation with Wu Jin. The other trainees still didn’t know how strong Contestant Wei was, but Ming Yao had alarms ringing in his heart. Not only had the man had robbed his supplies just now, from his performance during the Lovers card in the previous elimination match, anyone who could force his captain into that kind of situation... was absolutely tricky to deal with!

There was a hurricane behind Wu Jin’s back as Ming Yao safely hid himself behind him.

Wu Jin: “......”

Ming Yao quickly stressed from behind him that snipers like himself were very valuable!

The fourth teammate who’d escaped with Ming Yao was a rare E-level trainee––anyone who could make it from 500 to 250 and survive until the fourth elimination match either had significant proficiency in one aspect, or had full points in getting carried. Seeing that Ming Yao had hidden himself well, he also immediately hid behind Wu Jin.

––And just so happened to collide with the loud Lin Ke.

Lin Ke had also recognized Wei Shi at the same time.

His idea was simpler than anyone else’s––he had guns! A high level tranquilizer gun! The four of them were empty slates with nothing but their initial equipment! A frontal attack was definitely not a good idea. As of now, the only one with a good relationship with Contestant Wei was Contestant Wu. On the forums, Brother Wu was either pregnant until he vomited or giving birth, and as the saying went, one night as husband and wife equaled one hundred nights of grace. This person definitely wouldn’t be cruel enough to lay hands on Brother Wu!

In the huge fern forest, Wu Jin’s three teammates unhesitatingly formed a close group to observe how the situation developed––

Wu Jin decisively turned around and ran.

His three teammates: “......”

Ming Yao was worthy of being an A-level trainee. He didn’t think twice before following behind him to escape, his breathing coming short as he asked, “Why run?”

Wu Jin struggled to speak against the strong wind, “We can’t win! We don’t have any good guns!”

Ming Yao: “Isn’t he your&#k2026; that, something&#k2026;” He suddenly shut his mouth. The vast majority of the people in survival shows were straight and disgusted with the CP speculations. Some trainees were forced by the situation and had to put on an act. In fact, it was almost guaranteed that they would fight against the other even more fiercely if there was a chance.

Wu Jin usually didn’t interact much with Wei Shi, and it was likely that the feelings in the advertisement were just for show. In fact, they had probably already turned against each other...

“!!!” Ming Yao was shocked. He hurried to the front and kept away from Wu Jin in order to avoid being implicated.

Wu Jin’s heart beat very quickly.

The breathing equipment was used up at an accelerated rate due to the strenuous exercise, and it was unclear whether the flush on his face was due to the large amount of oxygen consumption or excitement.

There was a flash of electricity in his mind. Just now, the big boss had looked so cool loading his gun that his legs had gone soft. When he stood there against the light, it was like a Quetzalcoatlus breaking through the rays of evening sunlight––

Wu Jin quickly shook his head. He didn’t want to become a Pterosaur fairy due to dopamine from the big boss and quickly went to observe the situation around them.

The two of them weren’t teammates. They were opponents. There were thousands of cameras spread out in this primitive jungle, and no matter if it was out of respect for the rules or his opponents, the big boss wouldn’t take it easy on him.

Two guns, and a set of breathing equipment.

At the start of the competition, this was a luxurious equipment advantage, but it wasn’t outstanding in the course of the entire competition. The big boss wouldn’t be able to kill off their entire team with this high level beginner gear, and it was more like forcing them out and clearing the field than starting a fight.

Wu Jin suddenly came to a stop behind a boulder, tugging on Lin Ke who couldn’t quite stop in time.

At the same time, Ming Yao also came to his senses and looked behind them.

Wei Shi hadn’t followed them.

At the same time, the group of them had kicked up a ruckus as they ran like they had wings on their back. Dead branches were crushed, and the team was forced all the way back to the lake.

“He’s...” Ming Yao suddenly spoke up, his eyes glued to the valley lake, “Clearing the field. He wants to take all the supplies! How is that possible? Down there, it’s all...”

Wu Jin didn’t say a word as he looked unblinkingly at the scene.

Two three meter long Anteosaurus that looked like heavy hammers broke through the mix of herbivores. These huge, explosive predators had a unique advantage; their grey, wrinkled skin was immobile, and it was only when hunting that their skin would stretch out and flatten due to the stretching of its limbs––its jaw was tilted forward, revealing sharp tusks.

In an era where dinosaurs hadn’t yet appeared, they––as carnivorous beasts, the ancestors of mammals, were the top rulers of the food chain.

The elephant-like Moschops fled in a hurry, but their huge weight had to be supported by all four feet, making this prey much slower than the Anteosaurus. Soon, a slow-moving Moschops was isolated by the predators.

The last ray of sunlight disappeared, and the twin moons of this colonial planet rose into the sky––the two crescent moons were far apart, and the night was strangely quiet.

At this time, one of the Anteosaurus finally obtained its prey, slamming its thick skull against the Moschops’s belly as it roared with pride––

Wu Jin narrowed his eyes, his blood surging and heating.

Beneath the light of the moon, Wei Shi appeared like a ghost.

Unlike most trainees who were wrapped up tight, he’d taken off his heavy protective jacket, leaving only a pure black vest. Powerful muscles covered the exposed back of his neck, shoulders, and arms. His eyes were indifferent and cold, and behind him was the sparkling water that reflected the moon.

Nobody knew how Wei Shi had made his way over, but there was substantial water vapor on his body despite his clothes being as dry as before. The supply box was no more than ten meters away––one of the Anteosaurus that was tearing off the meat from the leg of a Moschops was even closer to him.

Wei Shi’s eyelids didn’t even flicker as he went straight to the supplies box.

Five meters, three meters.

The Anteosaurus continued to remain unaware.

Ming Yao sucked in a cold breath of air and repeated, “How is that possible...”

Wu Jin looked carefully for a long time and finally came up with a vague guess.

The Anteosaurus belonged to the Dinocephalian family. They had powerful jaw muscles that enabled them to bite into their food, and they had torn long, narrow wounds on the Moschops. The overly strong smell of blood in the air had weakened their awareness to the strange, new scent.

It remained so until he was less than two meters away.

The Anteosaurus slowly lifted up its bloody fangs and turned back vigilantly. Wei Shi’s movements were steady, his hands quick as he opened up the supply box in a flash. After performing a quick search, he dodged and rolled sharply to the right––

There was a bang, accompanied by a defiant roar as the creature’s fangs suddenly slammed into the steel plating of the supply box.

Two Anteosaurus attacked together, but Wei Shi was faster than they were.

The water of the lake fluctuated slightly in the moonlight. Wei Shi placed the goods on his back, propped his left hand on the supply box, and used it as leverage to leap out. In the dim lighting, his deep-set eyes were as frightening as those of a fierce beast, and his muscles bunched up with explosive curves. His foot first landed on the boulder by the lake, then on the prone Moschops––

Then, he stepped straight onto the long, heavy skull of the Anteosaurus.

The great beast howled.

Before disappearing into the giant fern jungle, Wei Shi suddenly looked towards a certain direction, then left without a trace.

In the Crosson Show studio, Ying Xiangxiang’s eyes were wide open in a daze. It wasn’t until the lens swept across her that she restored herself to her usual elegance.

The scrolling comments were much less reserved than the female instructor.

“!!! Are your Crosson Show C-level trainees all so fierce?! I have a bold idea, how about we use C-level trainees for the Star League? Goddamn, how badass!”

“This is an Anteosaurus? It’s not two poodles? My son’s daughter-in-law seems a little fierce––”

“Hugging my Little Witch! Ahhhhh I can’t forgive him even if he’s badass! Pointing a gun at my son, do you want to commit domestic violence or what?!”

Inside the studio, Ying Xiangxiang’s face was covered with a strange smile.

Blood Pigeon had no choice but to take over the commentary, “Contestant Wei’s strategy was very correct. His clearance line was 25 meters from the lake––the maximum range of the tranquilizer gun is 40 meters, but it’s effective distance is only 6 meters. Based on his physical fitness level, 25 meters is enough for him to avoid any ambush from other contestants.”

“Wei Shi didn’t take all the supplies. It’s a very simple formula, the weight of his load and his own speed of action is inversely proportional. This means there’s only enough remaining material to arm half a team, and there’s a rainstorm coming in 20 minutes...”

The scrolling comments continued to go wild––“Half a team! That’s enough for my brainy son!”, “You straight men don’t understand love!”, “These aren’t supplies, they’re a dowry––”

Ying Xiangxiang: Heheheheee...

Blood Pigeon shot Ying Xiangxiang a silent glance.

In the middle of the screen, the camera shifted away, moving to the scene two rivers away where Thin Fire was cursing at the crocodile on the opposing back while getting splashed with mud. There was a faint flash of lightning across the sky.

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