
Chapter 193: Center of Attention

Chapter 193: Center of Attention

“Well, you know how the situation here is better than I do. I convinced the mage tower master to lend us his disciples to help us with the war, but these idiots are ruining it. I mean, I know that most of the problem comes with my kingdom’s arrogant nobles, but you know that there are a few bad eggs in your lot as well. I just had to start fixing it, and try to figure out which ones I should eliminate before they become a problem.”, Liu Feng chuckled.

“Eliminate? Don’t tell me, you are going to kill them?”?, Alderan staggered back.

“Oh please. You are going to be the next king of Elvan. Please don’t tell me that you didn’t learn that you have to take decisive measures to control certain problems before they grow too unfavorable. The noble situation is exactly that. Putting that much power in the hands of those nobles was a bad idea, and that is coming and biting me right in the arse.”, Liu Feng said.

“But killing them? A lot of them are your father’s friends. They are nobles, and not all of them are guilty of crimes.”, Alderan said.

Liu Feng paused for a moment. He looked around. There were many, many more students than when he came here. It seemed that something interesting brought them here.

“Oh. Looks like you have got yourself quite the fan following.”, Alderan raised his eyebrows.

“Where is Amelia? She is not in this crowd. I mean, if she were here, then she would know that I here. A lot of people take it upon themselves to spread gossip.”, Liu Feng asked.

“She might be running late, but she will be here. I mean, she has been the most dejected because of how late you were. How did arch rivals become love birds, I have no freaking idea.”, Alderan shrugged as he left Liu Feng and went back to his group.

Liu Feng looked around once more. A lot of people were glaring at him, and they did not seem to mind that Liu Feng noticed them. Liu Feng chuckled as he walked up to the center so that he would get a clearer view of who all were there.

Pity, however that he was short, because he could see only the front lines, and could not see the ones in the back. 

The students gave him some space, and did not approach him, but they were speaking fervently about him with their friends.

Liu Feng murmured something, and the ground rumbled. All of a sudden, a small section of the ground under Liu Feng’s feet was raised up a meter.

Liu Feng could now see everyone. The students themselves were shocked that Liu Feng could do something like this without any effort at all. 

“How did he do that? Is he actually an elf in disguise or something?”, one of the students said.

Liu Feng shook his head, and was about to open his mouth, when all of a sudden, by the corner of his eye, he saw someone that he recognized.

He jumped from the platform. The students shouted, because Liu Feng would land on them, but Liu Feng did not give them any chance to react. A green wind appeared below his legs, and he appeared before that person in no time.

“Did you miss me?”, he said with a grin.

“You idiot. Why would I miss you?”, Amelia said as she fell into his embrace.

Around him, Liu Feng could feel the angry glares of all the men. In particular, one person was angrier than most.

“How dare that commoner that is only barely a noble. Just wait and watch. She will soon be mine, and I will make sure that you will regret even touching her.”, the boy who was next to Tesarion grumbled.

“Calm down, Sheldor. You are making a big deal out of nothing. Why do you want to mess with someone who you don’t even know? There are a lot of fish in the pond, and you are a Duke’s son! You can always get a girl that you like, just not that one.”, Tesarion, who was standing right next to Sheldor, put his hand on top of his shoulder.

Liu Feng let go of Amelia.

“I have something to do right now. After that, maybe we can catch up.”, Liu Feng said with a smile. Amelia nodded. Liu Feng then walked back to the center, where the raised ground was still there. 

As he was walking, all the students gave way to him. He walked until he was stopped by one boy.

“You are that boy next to Tesarion. What do you want?”, Liu Feng asked.

“You are just a Baron’s son. What right do you have, to be with a princess? Leave her to me. We are a right fit.”, Sheldor said.

Liu Feng raised his eyebrows. “Is that all you want to say?”, he asked.

“What? You think that you can disobey me?”, Sheldor said haughtily.

Liu Feng chuckled. He moved to the side, and walked past Sheldor onto the platform that he created.

“Students! It is so wonderful to see you!”, he shouted.

All the chatter stopped. They all looked at Liu Feng.

“So then, you must be wondering. Who is this man, standing in the middle, and what did he do that is so great for all of you to assemble here.”

Nods of agreement came from all around.

“Fine then. I am Liu Feng. For those of you who know, that is the name of the crown prince of Aegon. Well, you are right. I AM THE CROWN PRINCE OF AEGON.”, Liu Feng shouted.

Gasps and looks of shock came from all around. Blood visibly drained from Sheldor’s face.

“I was tasked by the kings to babysit you lot. So then, all of you are now hereby under my command. So then, I hope that we have a good time.”, Liu Feng said as he jumped back down. Along with him, the ground that was raised also went back down.

He looked at Sheldor and winked at him.

“How, how do we know that you are the prince of Aegon? The king never revealed to any of the nobles how his son really looked like. You might be an imposter.”, Sheldor said, stuttering.

Liu Feng laughed. “We are in the middle of Aegonian camp, and the first thought that you had was that I faked my identity? How did someone like you become a mage? Well, just ask Alderan. I mean, he knows. Now, I have some talking to do, so you may just discuss along yourselves.”, he said and disappeared from where he stood.

The students looked around in confusion, but Liu Feng was nowhere to be seen.

“Shall we go then?”, Liu Feng reappeared next to Amelia.

“Yeah. It’s always better to speak in privacy.”, Amelia nodded.

“Why didn’t you tell me? You could have told me that this was the crown prince. He is going to become the king, and I offended him.”, Sheldor trembled.

“I warned you not to mess with him. And besides, I am as shocked as you are. I never knew that he was the prince of Aegon. I mean, no one did. All of us learned of this for the first time.”, Tesarion, who walked up to Sheldor said.

“I am screwed.”, Sheldor fell to his knees. Tesarion shook his head. “Unfortunately, there is nothing that I can do about it.”, he sighed.

The other students were in a frenzy. The information that Liu Feng dropped before he disappeared was not as trivial as the tone that he used. They were now under another student, and they just found out that the demon of the magic academy was also the crown prince of Aegon in disguise.

“Why the hell would a crown prince be in disguise? I mean, in what world does someone do that? He would have been treated much better.”, one of the students said.

“I never offended him, did I?”, another student asked, shaking.

“Who knows. You treated many commoners horribly.”, the former laughed.

“Oh, god! What did I do? I never should have messed with all those people.”, the student started crying.

As the whole center turned into a chaotic mess, a group of students was completely standstill. These were the group of students that Liu Feng met before he even went into the academy.

“He was the crown prince?”, Sylvie said with a voice that could barely be called a whisper. But the others heard it even in all this sound.

“We should have known. The way that city developed in so little time, and the way that the city lord acted towards Liu Feng- I mean, His Highness. It all fits. I should have seen this before.”, a boy said.

“We can’t be blamed for not knowing. At least, we have a good impression on him.”, another pitched in.

“We do have a good impression on him, right?”, the former boy said.

“I think so. I mean, we did visit him on the day he was injured. I mean, I visited him on behalf of all of you.”, Sylvie said as she bit her lips.

“Wait a minute! Did you visit him that day? You did the best thing out of all of us. If we have you as our representative, then we can be seen favorably.”, the boy said.

Sylvie nodded, but she did not say anything.


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