
Chapter 376 - No Doubt

MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Or, Happy Holidays if you\'re not a Christmas celebrator.) Tomorrow there will be an FIVE CHAPTER mass release as my thank-you to YOU. Thank you for sticking with me this year! Thank you for giving your time and emotion to my books and my characters. And thank you for loving Aaryn and Elreth with me. You\'re a joy. I hope there is a lot of love in your life this week!



Aaryn and Elreth stood behind the wings of the stage, awaiting the last of the elders arriving to take their places before they would address the people. Chairs had been set up for the elders in two rows so they could be seen by any of the Anima in the bowl below. As Aaryn peered out between the wings looking at the levels—the flat, circular expanse of grass beneath the stage, then levels rising from that up and out, wide and longer, until the mound of the highest level was higher than the stage itself.

It suddenly struck him that he hadn\'t been back to this place since the day Elreth took dominance from Reth. They hadn\'t done a reading in months and it seemed like they only ever came here with there was a problem that needed the bulk of the people to be able to witness—or speak—at the same time.

The last time he was here he stood in the crowd, unnoticed, huddled with friends, waiting for Elreth to arrive, but uncertain whether she would, and his heart had almost been torn from his chest by the message Reth had brought that day.

He shook his head, but he couldn\'t shake off the memory…

He\'d stood on the grass of that second highest level, every cell in his body crying out to shift, to become, to put himself between her and the very real danger of her father\'s wrath, but his cursed body wouldn\'t fucking do it.

He\'d quivered with the urge, begging the Creator—just this once—to let him shift to his wolf form, to show the rest of the world the teeth and claws and rage that snarled inside him. To stand in defense of her the way she\'d stood for him so many times before.

But as she faced down her much larger father, her upper lip curling away from her teeth, Aaryn had been forced to stand by, useless.

He\'d been angry. So angry. Cursing the Creator for putting him in this defective body, for making him with such a lack.

Then he\'d had to watch the two people he loved most in the world, father and daughter, shift—Elreth leaping and taking her lioness in midair, Reth shifting a heartbeat behind her and the roars from both of them echoed even above the calls of the crowd.

And yet… still Aaryn had been able to do nothing.

He\'d had to watch the two of them strike and roll, listen to the blood-curdling snarls, while he\'d stood there shaking, praying, pleading with the Creator that somehow she\'d survive this…

He sucked in a breath and blinked back to the present—to the quiet, gathering crowd. To his position as King—uncertain thought it might be. To his mate… his beautiful mate.

Aaryn\'s heart pounded just with the memory of that fight, of his fear that she\'d be killed. Then his pride when she won. Then his fear of losing her forever.

How far they had come since that day. It seemed like a different lifetime ago that he\'d been concerned about her loving someone else.

Now he just feared she would love him so much she\'d sacrifice herself to make up for his lack.

Aaryn shook his head. He did have a purpose, he reminded himself. The Creator had given him a job, a role to play—not only for Elreth, but for the Anima as a whole.

He was her Protector. He would support her, cover her, love her, and advise her. And when the day came that she had to make that crossing, put herself in danger to explore the answers for her people, he would shed his own blood to save hers.

Aaryn shoved out a determined breath, hands clenching at his sides. That was his place. His purpose. No matter what came for the rest of their lives, he vowed, he would be there, at her shoulder, putting himself between her and harm.

He\'d been worried when Gar first described what the Protector role was—and what kind of mindframe they had to be in to do it safely. But the more he thought of it, the more certain he was: He would never be stronger than when he stepped through that Portal to take Elreth\'s hand and lead her through.

He could think of no temptation, no threat that would tempt him to let go of her, to give her up to that darkness.

If it were only for his own protection, sure. He\'d have quavered at the idea, questioned himself. But for her?

There was no a shred of doubt within him.

A hand brushed his arm and he looked up, surprised, to find Elreth staring at him, that softness in her features again, and he smiled.

"What\'s going on?" she whispered, leaning into his arm and twining their fingers. "You smell very… fierce all the sudden."

Aaryn scratched the back of his neck with his free hand. "I was just thinking about the traverse and getting you over there and…"

Her brows pinched over her nose and she reached up to pull his chin down so she could kiss him. "I\'m not one bit afraid of that," she whispered. "I know you\'ll protect me."

He nodded. "So do I," he said seriously, holding her gaze. "There\'s many things in this life that I get wrong, Elreth, but standing between you and danger isn\'t one of them. No matter what happens here, no matter how this all happens or whatever threats come… I\'ll always do that. Remember that."

She nodded and smiled, her eyes shining. "I will."

She pulled him back down into another kiss, despite how close they were to others—if any of the elders that were already in their seats turned, they would see them. But Aaryn couldn\'t have cared less as she leaned into his chest and he put an arm to her lower back and pulled her in, letting the kiss linger.

When they finally pulled back, slowly, and opened their eyes they were both breathing  more quickly. Aaryn\'s mind flashed on the night before, her standing in front of him, naked and proud, and so, so ready, and he had to take a deep breath.

Elreth raised an eyebrow. "My mother has a word for males like you," she said softly.

"What\'s that?" He asked, still thinking on his desire to protect and watch over her.

But Elreth grinned wickedly. "Horndog."

Aaryn snorted, but before he could come up with a good retort, Huncer appeared at the edge of the stage. "They\'re here. They\'re all here," she said. "I\'ll announce you."

Elreth\'s hand tightened on his and she nodded.

Then they stepped out onto the stage together.

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