
Chapter 181 - Blue Hyacinths (5)


The sound of the rain is echoing throughout the place like loud, thunderous stones hitting the building every second. A nervous looking doctor in his mid-twenties is standing behind his supervisor, waiting for instructions. They are at the NICU where a newborn baby has been kept under observation. The young doctor watches the baby which is breathing through a series of tubes.

"That baby will not survive," his supervisor, Doctor Shin, remarks. His tone is decisive and dismissive. It feels as if he has completely decided the fate of the child who has just been born and has barely opened his eyes. The young doctor dislikes the tone of his supervisor. Why is he deciding whether this baby will survive or not? He wonders.

"Why do you say so, Doctor Shin?" the young doctor asks.

"He\'s premature, Resident Kang Siwan," Shin shrugged.. "Kids like this don\'t survive. And his lungs aren\'t developed. He\'ll not survive. Not without a transplant."

Siwan is still staring at the tiny life who is fighting to survive. The baby is only a few hours old and very small. He is stirring but does not cry. The baby is simply sleeping peacefully, oblivious to everything else.

He\'s just like Hobin, Siwan thought with a smile. He is reminded of how his own brother was once a tiny runt. Siwan used to carry the child everywhere with him and did all the work. Whether it was to change his diapers, feed him or play with him, it was Siwan who was stuck to his brother like glue. Even their mother was surprised by the bond between the brothers and even joked that Siwan was more like Hobin\'s mother than she was.

What would have happened if a doctor had decided that Hobin would not survive? Siwan wonders. Even the mere thought of it makes him angry. They are doctors not gods, right?

"What if he survives?" Siwan asks.

"He won\'t," Shin stated. "I told you. He can\'t survive! This kid is a goner…"


"Stop arguing, Resident!" Shin snaps at him. "You young people think that a mere degree is enough to make you a doctor? You gotta be practical! This baby is a goner and I know it!"

Siwan bites back his retorts and nods. 

"Yes Doctor Shin," he murmurs. Shin glares at him and leaves. Siwan keeps on gazing at the child, wondering if there is a way to save him. Even if it means to prolong that baby\'s life by a few days, weeks or years, if there is a slight possibility of his survival, they should take it.

He balls his fingers into a fist. For the first time in many years, he is feeling helpless. The only time he felt like that was when he was under his father\'s thumb. To think that he will feel like this as an adult…

Did I change at all? He wonders.

Siwan sighs and slowly walks towards the general chamber which he shares with other residents of the pediatric residents. He slumps on a chair and lays his head down. After working continuously for over 30 hours, he is sleep deprived. Another resident, Yoogun, approaches him.

"Rough night?" he asks.

"Just nonstop duty!" Siwan mutters. He stretched his limbs, to get rid of his fatigue but it is of no use. Flexing his muscles, he adds, "A baby was taken to the NICU today. He is premature and won\'t survive."

"Ahh, and that bothers you," Yoogun said. They are the same age and graduated from medical school together. Yoogun is preparing for general pediatrics while Siwan is studying to become a surgeon. Siwan ruffles his dark hair and yawns. Seeing him do that, some of the female interns giggle. They are eyeing the handsome resident who joined their department and is keen to get together with him. One of the interns, Jaira, approaches him.

"H-Hi Doctor Kang!" she says with a blush. "A few of us are thinking of going to the karaoke tomorrow night. Do you wanna join us?"

"I\'m on duty tomorrow night," Siwan replies with a kind smile. The girl is a little fazed but nods.

"Let us know when you\'re free," she says in a flirtatious tone. Yoogun watches her as she leaves.

"She\'s into you," he snickers. "Just go out with her. She\'s cute! Dark hair and a sultry body. I think you two will look great together!"

"That doesn\'t mean we should date," Siwan states. "I\'m not into her."

"Whom do you like then?" Yoogun frowns.

Siwan thinks for a moment. There was a girl in his childhood he used to like but he had not seen her in years.

"Personally, I like someone who is observant," he says. "And kind in her own subtle ways. That\'s it."

"That\'s all? Not sexy ones? Cute ones? What about a hot, older woman?"

Siwan simply shrugs. Just then, Doctor Shin enters the room and everyone stands up on their feet to greet him.

"Listen up everyone!" he barks at them. "I just received a call from the Cho family. Their newborn granddaughter has sustained serious burns and is being rushed to the hospital right now!"

"I bet he\'s going to make us treat the kid and take the credit for himself," Yoogun mutters. Siwan nods. Doctor Shin is someone who will only operate on VIP\'s. This kid is his jackpot.

"However," Shin went on. "All the hospitals have been warned not to treat the child. So we will not be taking her in."

Loud murmurs erupt among the residents. They will not treat a burn patient? That too a child?

"The Cho\'s have specifically ordered us not to treat the child and hopefully, she will die. It\'s the kindest thing for her right now. So don\'t you dare to go against my orders!"

He checks his watch. "I\'ll get going now," he told them. "Remember, don\'t treat the child."

With that, Shin turns around and leaves them alone. The residents shrug and return to their work. None of them have any desire to defy Shin\'s orders.

"Are you going to listen to him?" Siwan asks Yoogun.

"Of course I have to!" Yoogun exclaims. "We can\'t treat the kid. Besides, you heard him. She\'s badly burnt. We can\'t do anything."

Siwan is not so sure. Even if she is badly burnt, they should still give her a chance to live for a little while…

"Where are you going?" Yoogun frowns when Siwan stands up.

"To the cafe," he sighs and walks out of the room. He is near the reception of the pediatric section when someone bustles in through the door. Siwan pauses in his steps. It was a girl with really long hair, almost reaching till her waist. Half of her face is covered with long, thick bangs and she was completely drenched in the rain. Her hands are slightly burnt but her cheek is also burnt as if it touched a scalding hot object. The girl is carrying a bloody bundle in her arms. A tiny, burnt hand is peeping out of it, blood dripping on the floor.

The girl is desperately clinging onto her child, crying hard. She rushes towards a passing doctor.

"Doctor, please save me Yeonjoo!" she begs. "Please-"

But the doctor, fearing the consequences of going against orders, brushes her off. The girl is in despair and runs to the reception.

"Please, admit my daughter!" the girl begs. "Please! She\'s really burnt-"

"Sorry but we are out of beds," the nurse lies. "I can\'t help you."

"My daughter is injured!" the girl shouts. She sounded really young, probably in her late teens or early twenties. A girl that young is begging people for help but no one heeds to her cries.

The baby is in pain, crying from within the blanket. She is barely alive as if holding onto any shred of hope she could find. The mother is cradling the child in her arms, sobbing. She fell to her knees in front of the reception.

"Please!" she begged. "Please treat my daughter! Please, have some mercy on her!"

The nurse is uncomfortable by the girl\'s pleas but her hands are tied by the management. Their instructions are clear: do not treat the baby from the Cho family.

The cries of the mother are drowning the sounds of the rain. Echoing the hallways of the large hospital is the sobs of a new mother who is desperately trying to save her child. Even if it is a futile dream, she will hold on to it until the end. She cannot give up. Not like this.

A shadow falls on her and she glances up to see a young doctor who reached out for the baby in her arms. He takes the baby girl who has been burnt beyond recognition but is still breathing. As long as she is breathing, he will not give up on saving her.

Siwan turns to the doctors and nurses who are staring at him in shock.

"Prepare the burn unit!" he demanded. "I\'ll treat her!"

"But-" the nurse begins but falters under his glare.

"Do what you\'ve been ordered to do otherwise I will inform the medical board that you all have violated the Hippocratic Oath," Siwan warned. "Then no one can save any of you from getting your license revoked!"

He turns to the young girl, who was still on her knees, crying in her palms. 

"I\'ll do everything I can to save her," he promised. "Even if I fail, I\'ll still make sure that I try my best."

The girl was still crying hard in her palms. She had gone to several hospitals but not a single doctor wanted to help her. This place is her last hope.

"Please…" she sobbed. "Please save her...please…"

Siwan nods and rushes the baby into the burn unit to treat her. Thus starts the longest night of his life.

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