
Chapter 140: Second Evolution (II)

Chapter 140: Second Evolution (II)


I screamed as the pain spread throughout my body once more. I’m not sure, but this evolution was terrible. Even though I was in pain, my first evolution was pretty seamless.

My brows wrinkled as I waited for this pain to subside. But Eve’s voice resounded in my mind once more.

“Just tolerate for some more time. Your body is working fast to adjust to the newfound power,”

“Fine, but you know, I couldn’t even move my body. Even taking a deep breath is causing pain all over my body,” I told Eve while my eyes were still closed.

“Don’t worry. It would be over in some time,” she told me again.

“What do you think about the serum they told about the evolution? It would have worked, right?” I asked her as the pain in my body gradually subsided.

“Maybe,” she replied, but suddenly I heard the sound of the opening of the door.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that Tanya was back with someone. My brows were about to wrinkle, then I remembered the pain I went through.

My gaze shifted to her as I asked, “What is happening?”

She looked at me, “Don’t worry, we are about to move you to an unfamiliar room. I told you before that we have the facility to help you recuperate.”

I nodded slowly as my gaze shifted to the other man, who was looking at me curiously, but he moved to remove all the wires and tubes from my body. I don’t know what they have done to me. But did they take my blood sample for the testing or what?

But I have to laud him. He removed everything very carefully and then started moving my bed. But what surprised me the most was that they covered my whole body in bandages. I didn’t know what would have happened to me if I am not shifted to the hospital. I saw that Tanya was moving alongside me as she kept on glancing at me again and again.

As I moved outside the door, the smell of hospital assaulted my nose and many hubbubs of footsteps reached my ears. But suddenly a familiar voice reached my ears.

“Alan,” My brows furrowed slowly as I burned with pain, but my eyes moved slowly to look towards the source of the voice. I was surprised to see that Alexandra was coming towards me with a concerned expression on her face. She touched my face as soon as she came near my bed.

I was touched again when I saw that face, but my gaze shifted to Tanya, who smiled and nodded at me.

“How are you feeling now?” Alexandra asked as she looked at me.

“Not good. Too much pain,” I tried to smile as I looked at her. And as expected, the pain started spreading throughout my whole body, and a grunt escaped my mouth.

“Don’t move,” Alexandra immediately said as she closed my mouth with her hands.

I nodded as I closed my eyes. I don’t know what are they going to do with me, but at least I would relieve myself from pain. But Eve’s voice resounded in my ears again.

“Relax, whatever they are doing, it will not hurt you anymore. At least it would help you heal quickly,”

I nodded slightly and waited for them to move me to the new place and after a while; I felt that we entered the silent place, as only the sound of footsteps could be heard.

As I opened my eyes again, a white ceiling greeted me and Tanya’s voice reached my ears again. I turned around to see that Alexandra and Tanya were looking at me.

“Just close your eyes and wait for a while,” Tanya said as she and Alexandra started removing my bandages. I was confused. Why are they removing my bandages? Aren’t there any staff there who could remove that, but anyway, I should enjoy their service? I could feel that their soft hands were touching all over my body and after a while, I could feel that my body was free of all the bandages, but suddenly, silence ensued in the room. I opened my eyes to see that I was alone in the room.

My brows furrowed as I moved my head slowly to check the surrounding room, to find that there was nothing in the room, but the room was looking quite different. There were holes all over the walls. Before I could understand what was happening, the wall started sprinkling some liquid that covered every part of the body, and suddenly, a white light covered my entire body.

I felt a tinge of pain on every cell of my body before the pain started subsiding and I could feel that everything was being repaired in my body as a warm sensation started spreading all over. I felt so relaxed that I didn’t know when I fell asleep and darkness enveloped me again.

But when I opened my eyes again, I found myself to be standing again in that crowded square, where everyone turned around to look at me. My heart started beating faster when my eyes shifted to Lucia, who was looking at me with a smile on her face and her voice reached my ears again.

“Welcome Back,”

My brows furrowed as I muttered, “Am I dreaming again?” But before I could think of anything, Lucia’s voice reached my ears again.

Do you really think that this is a Dream?”

My eyes went wide as I stared at Lucia, who started moving towards me. There was pin-drop silence but suddenly everyone in front of me moved and the sound of footsteps reached my ears as I saw Lucia was walking towards me. My heart started thumping as her otherworldly beauty really mesmerized me.

I don’t know how much time has been passed, but she stood before me with a smile on her face as she moved her hand to caress my face.

“I missed you so much.”

I could feel that a teardrop forming on the corner of my eyes and as I moved my hands to feel that wonderful face, but everything shattered like a mirror and I was standing in the darkness gain but instead of shock, a scream escaped my lips.

“NOOOOOOOO” I felt so heartbroken for the first time in my life. But a white light enveloped me again and when that light cleared, I stared at the ceiling before me. I started breathing heavily as I sat on the bed and my head moved to see the surroundings to see that I was in the hotel room and Tanya and Alexandra just entered the room.

“What happened? Why did you shout?”

My mind went black as I stared at two beauties before me as I stuttered, “How many days was I unconscious?”

Tanya’s brows were furrowed as she looked at Tanya and looked at me again, “You were unconscious for two weeks.”

My eyes went wide when I heard words. Two weeks? I was unconscious for two weeks. What the fuck happened to me.

“What happened? Why are you reacting like this?” Tanya asked me worriedly as he touched my cheeks. 

I shook my head as I grabbed her hands. “I don’t know. I suddenly started feeling anxious when I heard your words,”

“Don’t worry and congrats on your second evolution” Alexandra’s voice reached my ears and my gaze shifted to her as she sat on the bed and she also caressed my cheeks.

My brows furrowed when I saw their strange actions. I looked down to see that I was fully dressed while there were no hairs on my hands. My eyes went wide as I touched my face to feel and my gaze shifted to two ladies who were giggling.

“What happened?” I asked them.

“The way you are acting is really laughable. And for your information, you are really looking very cute and we couldn’t help but touch your soft skin,” Tanya laughed and said to me. But her words made me feel weird.

Cute? Soft skin? What the fuck are they speaking. My heart sped up, and I immediately stood up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom to get a full view of myself. But as soon as I saw myself in the mirror, I was stunned.

“Who the fuck is that beautiful man?” Yes, I was looking very different. Instead of feeling happy, I felt very weird when I looked at myself in the mirror. Even though I was looking otherworldly but I didn’t expect that I would change this much.

My bulky body slimmed down, but I was still quite tall while my long golden hair reached to my shoulders and my deep black eyes complemented my extra fair face. I gulped slowly as I turned around to see that there was no tail. 

I shook my head in disappointment as I found myself to be a little too handsome. I don’t know what would happen and any of the women in this hotel see me. They would surely jump on me. Now I know why these two were acting like that.

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